Figure – Saint, Mexico, 20th century, straw, Gift of Claudio DeLuca, 1992-06-001A.
Higomari, Japan, 20th century, cotton thread, Gift of Leanne Hinton in honor of Sam and Leslie Hinton, 2008-27-016A-C.
Star Lantern, Mexico, 20th century, tin, Museum purchase, 1998-72-002.
Boar, Chihuahua, Mexico, 20th century, Ponderosa pine bark, Anonymous donor, 1977-09-002.
Spindle Whorl – Snake-Like Figures, 11–15 century, Ometepe, Nicaragua, clay, Gift of Forrest D. Colburn, 2008-01-009.
Shrimp Trap, Philippines, 20th century, bamboo, Museum Purchase, 1977-05-002.